Bhavani Esapathi speaking at Science Showoff, RIBA, London (2017)

Bhavani Esapathi is a writer, maker & social-tech activist working on the intersection of invisible autoimmune conditions, access to healthcare and migrants’ rights. As an immigrant, disabled woman of colour much of her work is impacted by her lived experiences alongside extensively working with patient groups and research institutes in making medical jargons and health data more accessible to the everyday public. Previously, she has worked/shown at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London Design Festival, Athens Digital Arts Festival, NESTA Health Summit, The British Council amongst others. Her project ‘Chronically Driven’ was awarded with WIRED Magazine’s ‘Creative Hack Award’ in Tokyo, Japan for the “most innovative social idea” category. Currently, she is the recipient of Arts Council England’s DYCP Award, Disability Arts Online & David Attenborough Arts Centre’s Cohort 2021 and working on her Cost of Innovation Residency at the award-winning design studio Invisible Flock based in Yorkshire Sculpture Triangle.

Artist website:
The Invisible Labs: